قرآن اور بائبل کی روشنی میں حیات عیسی؛ مکالمہ بین المذاہب کی اہمیت
Prophet Isa, Quran, Bible, interfaith harmony, dialogueAbstract
Interfaith harmony through dialogue for peaceful coexistence throughout recorded history has until now and will forever remain very significant for all societies. Hence, the answer to the question of how to achieve this noble goal has also been pivotal. Many, including religiously motivated and politically inspired experts and scholars, have tried to answer this question. Knowledge, awareness, and dialogue about the founder of the religion, his life, historical background, faith, and religious practices can be a key factor to promote interfaith harmony through dialogue for sustainable development of all communities. Moreover, life history of Prophet Jesus (AS) is worth studying for his own sake since he, being a prophet, is highly valued and respected in both major religions of the world.
Interfaith harmony through dialogue for peaceful coexistence throughout recorded history has until now and will forever remain very significant for all societies. Hence, the answer to the question of how to achieve this noble goal has also been pivotal. Many, including religiously motivated and politically inspired experts and scholars, have tried to answer this question. Knowledge, awareness, and dialogue about the founder of the religion, his life, historical background, faith, and religious practices can be a key factor to promote interfaith harmony through dialogue for sustainable development of all communities. Moreover, life history of Prophet Jesus (AS) is worth studying for his own sake since he, being a prophet, is highly valued and respected in both major religions of the world.
Therefore, this paper aims to examine the life of Prophet Jesus (AS) in the light of primary sources of Islam and Christianity, the Quran, and the Bible. His miraculous birth, various stages of his life history, his message, the opposition, overall response of his people, answer to the question whether he was crucified or raised up in the heavens as well as his second coming is studied in this research highlighting the commonalities and differences from both scriptures. It is hoped that this research would also lead to further interaction between Muslim and Christian intellectuals opening the doors for better understanding of both religions and close relations in academia.
ابوداؤد، سلیمان بن اشعث، سنن ابوداؤد، دار الفکر، بیروت، لبنان، ۲۰۰۵ء، طبع اول، کتاب الفتن والملاحم، باب ذکر الفتن ودلائلھا، رقم الحدیث ۴۲۵۲
Abu Dawud, Sulaiman bin Ash'ath, Sunan Abu Dawud, Dar ul Fikr, Beirut, Lebanon, 2005, Tabae Awal, Kitab ul Fatn wal Malaham, Baab Zikr ul Fatn o Delaylha, Raqam ul Hadith 4252
احمد بن محمد بن حنبل، المسند ، مؤسسۃ الرسالۃ، بیروت، لبنان، ۲۰۰۱ء، طبع اول، مسند الانصار، حدیث ابی امامۃ الباھلی، رقم الحدیث۲۲۲۸۸
Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Hanbal, al-Musnad, Mussita al Rasalat, Beirut, Lebanon, 2001, Tabae Awal, Musnad al Ansar, hadith Abi Imama al Bahli, Raqam ul Hadith 22288
:الاخلاص: ۱۔۴
Al Ikhlas: 1-4
:این میلنز، یسوع ناصری، (مترجم، داؤد شمس)،مسیحی اشاعت خانہ، لاہور، طبع اول، ۱۹۹۶ء، ص۳۳ ۔ ۴۵
N. Mellons, Yaswaa Nasri, (Mutrajim, Dawood Shams), Masehi Ashaat Khana, Lahore, Tabae Awal, 1996, p.33- 45
:لوقا ۱: ۲۶۔۳۵
Luka 1:26-35
:مریم : ۱۶۔۲۲
Maryam: 16.22
:خیر اللہ، الف ۔ ایس، قاموس الکتاب، مسیحی اشاعت خانہ، لاہور، ۱۹۹۳ء، طبع پنجم، ص۱۱۴۰
Khairullah, Alif. S, Qamoos ul Kitab, Masehi Ashaat Khana, Lahore, 1993, Tabae Fifth, p. 1140
:Paul Ernest, Philosophy of Incarnation, Retrieved: Jan 10, 2019 at 10:53 pm
:اٰل عمران : ۵۹
Al Imran: 59
:Dunn, James D. G., Jesus Remembered, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Cambridge, U.K, 2003, p312
:متی ۱: ۲۳
Matti 1:23
:لوقا ۲: ۲۱
Luka 2:21
:وضعی نام سے مراد یہ ہے کہ حضرت عیسیٰ علیہ السلام کے رفع آسمانی کے بعد یہ نام آپ کے لیے پطرس نے وضع کیا تھا جیسا کہ نیوکیتھولک انسائیکلو پیڈیا (ج۹، ص۵۴۵)میں ہے۔
The meaning of the name is that after the ascension of Jesus, this name was coined for him by Peter, as stated in the New Catholic Encyclopedia (Vol. 9, p. 545).
: ناصرت(Nazareth)، اسرائیل(Israel) کے شہر یروشلم (Jerusalem) سے تقریباً چونسٹھ میل دوری پرواقع ہے۔
Nazareth is located about sixty-four miles from Jerusalem, Israel.
:این میلنز، یسوع ناصری، ص:۳۲
N. Mellons, Yaswaa Nasri, p:23
:خیر اللہ، الف ۔ ایس، قاموس الکتاب،ص۱۱۴۰
Khairullah, Alif. S, Qamoos ul Kitab, p. 1140
:لوقا ۲: ۴۰۔ ۵۲
Luka 2:40-52
:متی ۱۳: ۵۵۔۵۶
Matti 13:55-56
:مسیحیت میں حضرت یحییٰ علیہ السلام کو ’’یوحنا اصطباغی(بپتسمہ دینے والا)‘‘ کے نام سے جاناجاتا ہے۔
In Christianity, Hazrat Yahya (peace be upon him) is known as "John the Baptist".
:مرقس ۱: ۱۲۔ ۱۳
Markis 1:12. 13
:این میلنز، یسوع ناصری، ص۴۵
N. Mellons, Yaswaa Nasri, p:45
:یوحنا ۱: ۳۷، یوحنا ۱: ۴۹
Yohna 1:37, Yohna 1:49
:این میلنز، یسوع ناصری، ص۴۷
N. Mellons, Yaswaa Nasri, p:47
:یہودیوں میں ’’عید فسح‘‘ ایک خاص عید ہے جو ہر سال اپریل میں یروشلیم میں منائی جاتی تھی۔
Among the Jews, "Eid Passover" is a special holiday that was celebrated in Jerusalem every year in April.
: یوحنا۲: ۱۳۔ ۱۶
Yohna 2:13-16
:یسعیاہ ۹: ۱
Yasaiah 9:1
:یوحنا ۲: ۱۱
Yohna 2:11
:مرقس۶ : ۴۴
Markis 2:44
:متی ۱۴: ۲۲۔۳۳
Matti 14:22-33
:متی ۲۰: ۳۴
Matti 20:34
:لوقا ۸: ۲۲۔۲۵
Luka 8:22-25
:مرقس ۲: ۱۔۱۲
Markis 2:1-12
:متی ۹: ۱۸۔ ۲۶
Matti 9:18-26
:این میلنز، یسوع ناصری، ص:۷۷
N. Mellons, Yaswaa Nasri, p:77
:متی ۱۵: ۲۱
Matti 15:21
:مرقس ۸: ۲۷
Markis 8:27
:یوحنا ۱۰: ۴۰
Yohna 10:40
:متی ۲۰: ۲۹۔۳۴
Matti 20:29-34
:مرقس ۱۴: ۱
Markis 14:1
:متی ۲۶: ۱۴۔۱۶
Matti 26:14-16
:مرقس ۱۴: ۶۰۔ ۶۳
Markis 14:20-63
:متی ۲۶: ۱۴۔۱۶
Matti 26:14-16
:یوحنا ۱۹: ۳۸۔ ۴۰
Yohna 19:38-40
:یوحنا ۲۰: ۱
Yohna 1:20
:یوحنا ۲۰: ۹
Yohna 20:9
:النساء ۴: ۱۵۷۔ ۱۵۸
Al-Nisa 4: 157-158
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