Fee Information

All research articles published in Al-MISBAH are open access and freely available to read, download and share. Articles are published under the terms of a Creative Commons license which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. No university library or individual reader will ever need to pay any pay-per-view fees to access articles of the journal.

AL-Misbah is not funded by any University or Government grants. To bear the cost of Publishing Research manuscripts, website running, long time archiving, reviewing, copyediting etc, administration has decided APC (Article Processing Charges)/ Publication fee.

  • No charges applied on submission of article.
  • Article Processing Charges (Rs. 5000 PKR Non-Refundable)
  • Publishing Charges Rs. 20000 PKR. (For Selected Articles after successful peer-review)
  • Rapid Review 10000 PKR Local & External

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To help recognize the vital contribution our research associates make to the publishing process, REINCI has introduced a reward scheme based on open access discounts. Researchers are entitled discount from those institutions whom we have signed MIOU, Research Institute of Culture and Ideology can publish with a discount on the publication fee through the agreement with REINCI. The publishing fee is paid by the Institute.
When you submit an article you may claim a 10% credit towards the cost of publishing an article in the institute's journals on a gold open access basis.