تأثير اختصار المتن على الأحاديث (دراسة نموذجيا إستقرائيا)
Effect, Summarization, Text, HadithAbstract
Summarization of the Ahadith is important and complex topic without commentary of the Scholars and without collection of the different chain of the Hadith and without comparison of different Texts of the Hadith cannot make clear understanding to the Ahadith, it may be lead to misunderstanding, Summarization of the Ahadith have a different effect on the understanding of the Ahadith and different derivation of commands, it may be drive different effect, It can or cannot change the meaning of Ahadith, It came with different summarized words but cannot change the meaning of the Hadith, and It came some missing words that change the entire meaning of Hadith. "EFFECT OF SUMMARIZATION ON THE TEXTS OF AHADITH" the method of the Research based on textual study at the end finally preferable result as per commentary or method of Muhadseen.
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