نوجوانان ِعصر حاضرکےلئے نوجوانان عہد نبویؐ کےکردار سے درس






commitment, responsibility, youth, role


Young people are the axis of every movement associated with any civilization, culture, religion and nation. Whether it is a revolutionary movement, a constructive movement, a cultural movement, a political movement or a religious movement, the youth are others in every scene. In the movement of the Prophets of God, including the center of the movement and the center of efforts of the President of Islam, the young people were the center of the movement. A careful study of the biography of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) shows that the work of responsibility in the era of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was mostly done by the youth. Was handed over. History clearly provides numerous examples of this. However, when a tribe accepted Islam, the Prophet ﷺ appointed an intelligent and fit young man as its chief on the basis of his ability, despite the fact that there were high-ranking elders and capable personalities. The criteria was not according to lineage or age, the criteria was who is more familiar with Islamic teachings, principles and Sharia, who is more enthusiastic about his new religion and shows passion and dedication, who has Quranic surah’s for leading prayers. Most of the young people came to Madinah and memorized the Qur'anic surah’s more quickly and easily, that is, these qualities were present in most of the young people, therefore, in the history of the Prophet's era, that is, during the reign of Sayyid al-Mursaleen, Khatim al-Nabiyeen ﷺ, which is a strong, wise and all-round plan. The closure is amazing. He did not consider the honor of the nation, clan and lineage but the piety, efficiency and character of the individual as a priority and that is why he gave opportunity to the able youths to express their skills and management. Although he did not need any consultation, he himself was deprived of the most holy advice. The Lord of the Universe wanted to give a plan of action in the form of Sunnah for the future generations and the rulers of the time. He used to say that the aim was to train the youth so that they would be ready for important issues and responsibilities in the future. And he held the reins of Islam according to the teachings of the Qur'an and Hadith and Sunnah and not only spread Islam throughout the world, but also gave him eternal life with his deeds until the Day of Judgment. It is daring that the subject is so vast that it is like filling a river in a jug.

Author Biography

Shumaila rubab rizvi, Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur Mir's.

M.Phil., Department of Islamic Studies, Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur Mir's.


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How to Cite

Shumaila rubab rizvi. 2023. “نوجوانان ِعصر حاضرکےلئے نوجوانان عہد نبویؐ کےکردار سے درس: A LESSON FOR TODAY’S TEENAGERS FROM THE ROLE OF TEENAGERS IN THE PROPHET’S ERA”. AL MISBAH RESEARCH JOURNAL 3 (02):151-66. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8126991.



