اسلام میں عورت کی گواہی : علمی اور سائنسی جائزہ

Scientific analysis of Women’s Testimony in Islam





women, testimony, jurisprudence, gender, Quran, Islam


The testimony of women in Islam is always a topic of discussion in the field of Islamic Jurisprudence which states that it weighs only half of the of men's testimony. This belief stems from a particular interpretation of a verse in the Quran (2:282). However, it is vital to understand that this interpretation is not applicable in all circumstances because the broader context and principles of Islamic jurisprudence regarding testimony will be examined first. Islam emphasizes the importance of justice, fairness, and equal treatment for all individuals, regardless of gender. Many scholars argue that the interpretation of the verse is specific to financial transactions involving specialized knowledge or expertise. Understanding the complexities and diversity of opinions within Islamic jurisprudence is crucial when discussing women's testimony in Islam. This article attempts to illustrate the true position of women's testimony in Islam by presenting relevant scientific studies to explain the rationale behind Allah's prohibitions and the viewpoints of well-known Islamic scholars regarding this issue.


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القرآن الکریم، سورۃ المائدہ، آیت، ۳۴

عبدل رحمٰن کیلانی، تیسر القرآن،(لاهور: دار السلام،۲۰۱۳ء)، ج:۰۱،ص:۴۴۱




How to Cite

Hafsa Anwar. 2024. “اسلام میں عورت کی گواہی : علمی اور سائنسی جائزہ: Scientific Analysis of Women’s Testimony in Islam”. AL MISBAH RESEARCH JOURNAL 4 (01):26-34. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10677740.



