وحی ا ور اس کی حفاظت سے متعلق مستشرقین کے نظریات و افکار کا جائزہ



  • Saeed Abdullah Ph.D. Scholar, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad.
  • Prof Dr Mustafeez Ahmad Alvi Professor, Islamic Studies, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad.


Revelation, Quran, Sunnah, Thought, Wisdom, objections


Human guidance is not solely reliant on reason and observation; rather, revelation is an essential necessity for proper guidance. The need for revelation arises precisely in instances where reason and senses cannot assist. Therefore, it is not necessary for every aspect of revelation to be comprehensible through reason alone. Just as determining the color of an object does not require reason but is a matter of direct perception, similarly, the knowledge of religious beliefs is derived from revelation rather than pure intellect. Relying solely on reason for understanding these beliefs is not appropriate. Consequently, if one has faith in the complete wisdom of Allah, it must also be  acknowledged  that the comprehensive system established for guiding His servants is termed revelation. Thus, revelation is not just a religious belief; it is also a rational necessity, and denying it is essentially rejecting divine wisdom. The Orientalist approach in this regard needs a special focus, liable to evaluated in the light of Qur’an and Sunnah. The following research discuss the same. But it is a strange thing that in all of them, only in relation to the revelation revealed to the Holy Prophet, PBUH the Orientalists raised various kinds of objections. In which the revelation was the unconsciousness of the Prophet PBUH, the conditions of its revelation were epileptic, the spiritual events were fallacies and the Qur'an has been described as a book containing the teachings of Judaism and Christianity. Their intention with such objections is to make Muslims doubt the truth and authenticity of divine revelation.


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How to Cite

Saeed Abdullah, and Prof Dr Mustafeez Ahmad Alvi. 2024. “وحی ا ور اس کی حفاظت سے متعلق مستشرقین کے نظریات و افکار کا جائزہ: A REVIEW ORIENTALIST THOUGHT REGARDING REVELATION AND ITS PRESERVATION”. AL MISBAH RESEARCH JOURNAL 4 (03):1-14. https://reinci.com/ojs3308/index.php/almisbah/article/view/277.



