قمری مہینوں کی امتیازی صفات کا تحقیقی مطالعہ

A research study of characteristics of the lunar months





Lunar months, Repeated lunar months, characteristics of the


The names of two lunar months are repeated, Rabi and Jumada, whereas the names of the other eight lunar months are not repeated. Due to the same weather of Rabi and Jumada, their names were repeated and adjectives were used for distinction. For the month of Rabi, the adjectives "Al-Awwal" and "Al-Akhir" Whereas for Jumada, “Al-Awla” and “Al-Akhira”. Now, these months are used with these characteristics as terminology.

However, the public and some scholars in their writings and speeches mention the names of these months with some changes and use other characteristics besides the above-mentioned characteristics. For instance: For the month of Rabi, the adjectives "Al-Sani" and "Al-Akhar" as well as for the month of Jumada, the adjectives "Al-Sani", "Al-Sania", "Al-Akhar" and "Al-ukhra". In Tafseer, e Ruh-ul-Bayan quoted: People say that the name of the sixth lunar month is "Jumada-ul-Akhar", while the correct name is "Jumada-ul-Akhira" or "Al-Ukhra".

So in this research paper will be discussed the names of the lunar months and what is the reason for their naming, and also be discussed the correct name and characteristics of the lunar months "Rabi" and "Jumada".

Author Biographies

Shahzaib, University of Karachi

Visiting Faculty member, Islamic Learning department, university of Karachi

Dr Farooq Hassan, NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi

Professor, Department of Humanities, NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi




How to Cite

Shahzaib, Shahzaib, and Dr Farooq Hassan Farooq Hassan. 2022. “قمری مہینوں کی امتیازی صفات کا تحقیقی مطالعہ: A Research Study of Characteristics of the Lunar Months”. AL MISBAH RESEARCH JOURNAL 2 (03):115-24. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7263289.



