جدید تقاضوں کے مطابق خواتین کے تعلیمی حقوق کی ضرورت و اہمیت شرعی نقطہ نظر سے






Islam, Women, Education, Skills, women rights


21st century is the century of knowledge and skills. Knowledge and skills are the guarantee of national development. All members of the society including women have to play an important role in the development of the country, limited thinking and narrow minded society has closed the doors of knowledge to women and has declared knowledge to be only a man’s domain. involvement of women in the field of knowledge and skill is inevitable in Islam. The doors of knowledge and skills have been opened for women. There is no prohibition for women to acquire knowledge while living within Sharia limits. Allah Almighty has ordered everyone to acquire knowledge in all Islam. Period women play their role in every field. During the prophet’s era , women took their full share in every field , including knowledge ,industry ,trade ,agriculture and labor . Hazrat Aisha (RA) is one of the most prolific narrators. Hazart Khadijah Al.Kubra (RA) was an international trader. Knowledge is an adornment, in Islam both men and women are ordered to adorn themselves with this adornmen. according to modern requirements, it is necessary for women to show their God. Given abilities in various fields of life . From the shariah point of view, women are allowed to enter the field of knowledge and skills .

Author Biographies

Mufti Kifayat Ullah, AWKUM Mardan.

PhD Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, AWKUM Mardan.

Amir zaman kakar, BZU Multan.

P.HD. Scholar, Dept: of Islamic studies, BZU Multan.


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How to Cite

Mufti Kifayat Ullah, and Amir zaman kakar. 2023. “جدید تقاضوں کے مطابق خواتین کے تعلیمی حقوق کی ضرورت و اہمیت شرعی نقطہ نظر سے: WOMEN’S EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS, NECESSITY & IMPORTANCE ACCORDING TO MODERN REQUIREMENTS, FROM AN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE”. AL MISBAH RESEARCH JOURNAL 3 (01):87-96. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7742488.



