عصرِ حاضر کے جدید تقاضوں میں دعوتِ دین کی مؤثِرحکمت عملی:ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ
Effective Strategy Regarding Preaching of Religion in Modern Requirements of contemporary era: A Research Study
universal, eternal, modern, latest means, strategy, preaching, eraAbstract
Islam is a Dīn of nature and a universal, everlasting and complete code of life. Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him), is the last Prophet of God. That’s why Islam emphasizes to convey and preach its noble teachings to others as an obligatory duty of its followers. Due to the universality and eternal status of Islam, It is also mandatory to adopt universal, modern and latest means and methods for its preaching which are according to the needs of the age. Some practical steps according to the modern age and requirements are to be adopted as an effective strategy for preaching of Islam in this era.
This article focuses on these strategies in the light of Islamic teachings and the thoughts of Muslim scholars, so that new generations can be addressed and preached according to their nature, requirements, needs and modern trends effectively. Some ethics of using these modern sources and latest means of communications are also mentioned in this research paper.
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