عہد مغلیہ اور نظام احتساب: ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ






Accountability, Mughal Empire, Islamic Caliphate, History, Society


Islam is a complete code of life which gives the principles of living. Islam has also given principles to maintain the order and peace of the society. Enjoining good and forbidding evil (Amar bil Ma'roof and Nahi unil-Munkar(is given great importance in Islam, its status is obligatory in Islam. It is the duty of every person according to his ability to destroy the evils and spread the good. If there is no prevention of oppression from the society, the society cannot become the cradle of peace and order; therefore, the elimination of oppression in the society is the main goal of Islam. On the basis of this principle, the institution of accountability or accountability was established in the Islamic state, the purpose of which is to establish what is good and prevent evil, to end oppression and abuse, and to establish justice and fairness, etc. This institution has existed in one form or another during the rule of Muslims. There was a very strict accountability in the Islamic state. Be it the era of the Prophet or the era of the Rashid Caliphs, the Umayyad Caliphate or the Abbasid Caliphate, the Ottoman Turks or other regions under the influence of Muslims, accountability had a fundamental status in every era. If we look at the Mughal system of government in India, accountability has always been central. Historians of this era have praised the accountability system of the Mughals. In this paper, the accountability system of the Mughals has been clarified.

Author Biographies

Asad Ali, University of Education Lower Mall Campus, Lahore.

Visiting Lecturer, University of Education Lower Mall Campus, Lahore.

Dr. Hafiza Bareera Hameed, The government Sadiq college women university Bahawalpur.

Lecturer, The government Sadiq college women university Bahawalpur.


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اسلامی ریاست میں محتسب ک




How to Cite

Asad Ali, and Dr. Hafiza Bareera Hameed. 2023. “عہد مغلیہ اور نظام احتساب: ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ: THE MUGHAL ERA AND THE ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEM: AN ANALYTICAL STUDY”. AL MISBAH RESEARCH JOURNAL 3 (01):78-86. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7566627.



