سیرت طیبہ کی جمع وتدوین کا آغاز وارتقاء اور اس کی ضرورت واہمیت






Seerah Literature, Standard Form, Sira-Un-Nabi, Maghzi, Collection & Compilation


The biography of the Prophet (peace be upon him) was not considered as a separate art in the beginning, later the Companions, followers and princes of the kingdom paid special attention to this art, which resulted in the existence of Maghazi and the books of biography mentioned above. They are also counted in Maghazi, and as far as we know from our research, the above-mentioned books have a basic position on the Prophet's biography and they are also called the writings of the predecessors. While after him, the scholars and muhaddiths continued to write books in the art of biography, but the above mentioned books are considered to be the basic books of biography. And there has been a strong need for the collection and compilation of biography in every era because the Holy Qur'an has repeatedly encouraged the Muslim Ummah to follow the morals and conduct of the Prophet (PBUH) and declared the person who follows the biography of the Prophet (PBUH) to be a person of welfare and salvation.has given The foremost duty and the most sacred service of the universe is to reform and complete the morals and education of the human soul. That is, first of all, the principles and principles of all kinds of moral virtues, asceticism, piety, chastity, chastity, beneficence, gentleness and forgiveness, determination and steadfastness, selflessness and kindness, honor and selflessness should be established in a very correct way and then its practical teaching and method should be implemented in the whole world.

 A common way to achieve this goal is preaching. A more civilized way is to write high quality books on morals and spread them in all countries and teach them to the masses. One way is to compel the common people to obey good morals and keep them away from vices.

Author Biographies

Ghulam Hyder Teewno, university of Sindh Jamshoro.

 Ph.D. Scholar, Department of comparative religion and Islamic culture, university of Sindh Jamshoro.

Dr.Hafiz Sibghatullah Bhutto, university of Sindh Jamshoro.

 Assistant Professor Department of comparative religion and Islamic culture, university of Sindh Jamshoro.


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How to Cite

Hyder Teewno, Ghulam, and Dr.Hafiz Sibghatullah Bhutto. 2022. “سیرت طیبہ کی جمع وتدوین کا آغاز وارتقاء اور اس کی ضرورت واہمیت : COLLECTION AND COMPILATION OF SEERAH TAYYABA AND ITS NEED & IMORTANCE”. AL MISBAH RESEARCH JOURNAL 2 (03):172-84. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7581125.



