حق صحت میں ریاست کی ذمہ داریاں:اسلامی تہذیب کے تناظر میں ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ
Responsibilities of the State in the Right to Health: An Exploratory Study in the Context of Islamic Civilization
Health, Rights, Individuals, State, Social systemAbstract
In the context of Islamic civilization, this exploratory study investigates the state's role and responsibilities in ensuring the right to health. To provide a comprehensive understanding of the state's obligations to promote and protect the right to health, the study looks at relevant Islamic sources and international legal frameworks. The study emphasizes the significant role that the state plays in facilitating the realization of the right to health by providing healthcare services, ensuring equitable access to healthcare, and addressing health-related social determinants. The discoveries of this study could add to a superior comprehension of the state's liabilities about one side of well-being in Islamic social orders and illuminate strategy conversations on advancing and safeguarding the right to well-being in such settings. The documents on health by the UN also specify the minimum rights that must be upheld and which organisations are responsible for ensuring that the right to health is interpreted.
القرآن، سورۃ النحل، آیت 89
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